Related Resources
GESTIS, the information system on hazardous substances of the German Social Accident Insurance, is a comprehensive database for chemical substances, which includes all global existing OELs.
For UVCB hydrocarbon solvents industry experts have developed a method to determine OELs
Hydrocarbon solvents registered under REACH – key data
Oxygenated solvents registered under REACH – key data
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Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs)
Occupational Exposure Limits are essential to the protection of workers from health and safety risks due to exposure to airborne hazardous substances. An OEL is an upper limit on the acceptable air concentration of a hazardous substance in workplace air for a particular substance or group of substances to which workers can be exposed throughout their working lifetime (for 8 hours per day, 5 days a week, for 40 years) without developing adverse health effects.
For over 60 years, regulatory organisations worldwide have been defining OELs. In the EU, the European Commission and ECHA are in charge of setting OELs following a scientific assessment and a consultation process, while a separate procedure can be in place in some Member States.
A special case: hydrocarbon solvents
Therefore, the Reciprocal Calculation Procedure (RCP) approach was developed by hydrocarbon solvent manufacturers.