Complying with REACH

Since 2007, chemical substances including solvents have been regulated at the European level under the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals regulation, known as REACH. REACH requires all manufacturers in Europe and importers to register detailed technical dossiers addressing the health, safety and environmental risks on each chemical substance. To comply with the regulation, companies must identify and manage the risks linked to the substances they manufacture and market in the EU. They have to demonstrate to ECHA how the substance can be safely used and must communicate the risk management measures to the users.

ESIG provides guidance to solvent manufacturers and importers in Europe on ways to comply with those requirements. Our Generic Exposure Scenarios (GES) are the solvents industry standard in Europe today to ensure REACH compliance through the supply chain.  

REACH registration

The registration of ESIG substances is done in consortia. The respective trade associations, HSPA and OSPA, carried out most of the preparatory work (substance identity and naming convention) and provide regulatory support.

Hydrocarbon solvents

The Hydrocarbon Solvents Consortium (HCSC), managed by ReachCentrum prepares and updated the registration dossiers for hydrocarbon solvents. To facilitate the registration of numerous solvents, nine categories have been set up and new EC and substance names are used to better describe the substances.

Oxygenated solvents

Various REACH consortia were created for several oxygenated solvents, which are mostly managed by ReachCentrum:

You can learn more about consortium activities, including membership details, on the consortia’s official websites.