Dear Reader,

A very busy year for ESIG comes to an end, with the ESIG emission inventories 2021 finalised, new and updated safety materials published, and many more.

This year, I was happy to meet members and stakeholders again: at our General Assemblies, during the re-launch of our solvents training session with the SIA and above all, during our belated 25 years anniversary celebration in October in Brussels. In this winter edition of SOLUTIONS, you will find a picture story to revive the event.

Looking ahead, I am proud to announce another ESIG Stakeholder Day on “Solvents and the Green Deal”, which will take place in January. It will focus on the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.

As usual, please send in any comments or contact us if you wish to receive more information on specific topics.

I wish you and your families Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

With my best personal regards,

Rob Oades
Chair ESIG

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